Women and Girls in Science

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is observed on February 11th and aims to bring awareness to the significant gender gap that persists globally at all levels of science. It also promotes the full and equal access and participation of women and girls in science.

Every year the United Nations hosts the International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly, bringing together both representatives of member states alongside representatives of international organizations, the private sector and leading scientists to discuss measures and initiatives to increase participation of females in STEM.

Learn more and get involved HERE.

"Women have played a significant role, in all fields of science, throughout history, yet many female scientists, despite having had a profound and positive impact on society, have been relegated to the footnotes of history. --WomenInScienceDay.org

The #FEBRUARY11 Global Movement is working on changing that.

"We can all do our part to unleash our world’s enormous untapped talent – starting with filling classrooms, laboratories, and boardrooms with women scientists." -- U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres

Our author Brianna Florence is also working on empowering females in the field of science. Her most recent children's book follows Jeanetta, a young girl who uses her knowledge of chemistry to solve everyday challenges.

BFL CSD1 Release
BFL in lab
BFL Author Photo

Brianna Florence earned a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and enjoys sharing her love for science. She created the Chemistry Saves The Day book series to encourage children to think about chemistry in a fun way. Brianna hopes that her young readers discover the importance of science in everything we do.

Follow @ChemistrySavesTheDay for more.

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