Snake Year, Serpent Day, and Soma

Let's celebrate the Year of the Snake and National Serpent Day with none other than Soma!

2025 brings us the Year of the Snake; the snake is the sixth of the twelve-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. According to Chinese astrology, "the Snake symbolizes intelligence, mystery, and renewal. In 2025, the Snake will bring new opportunities for growth and change... a time of transformation, wisdom, and personal growth."

February 1st is National Serpent Day, giving "snakes and serpents alike their slithering due. Check out these 10 Surprising Snake Facts from The Nature Conservancy.

And be sure to read read Soma Finds His Rhythm. This day and year is the perfect time to join Soma in increasing well-being through breath, movement, and sound.

Soma, a Peruvian emerald tree boa, is feeling down. With the help of his animal friends, he learns about self-regulation and strategies to improve mood and reduce stress. On Soma’s journey, the world turns more vibrant while he reconnects with himself and others.

An interactive and uplifting story about supporting one another through the use of breath, movement, and sound. Come find your rhythm, have fun, and increase your well-being!


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