Human suffering is inevitable. Rather than allowing these gloomy moments in our lives to strip us of our confidence, love, and resilience, we must gain knowledge. Do not shelter yourself from the rain, embrace it and dance with it. This debut poetry collection is meant to bring us together by revealing that we are not alone in the darkness.

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About the Author

Stolas earned a B.A. in Psychology from Purdue University and is a Certified Life Coach. He prides himself in easily connecting with others, especially those amongst us who struggle with suffering and self-doubt. Stolas was born and raised in Marion, Indiana, contending with addiction, divorce, isolation, infidelity, as well as depressive episodes at a young age. Headphones and a camera became his best friends, allowing music and photography to soothe his soul. Stolas then turned to notebooks and filled their pages with powerful poetry. Visit @StoicStolas for more.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira