Jeanetta and the Climacteric Reaction Free Ebook

Jeanetta is looking forward to eating Dad’s famous banana pudding. But, uh-oh, the bananas are still green! Can science help ripen the fruit? Let’s find out with a climacteric reaction.

This book series makes chemistry fun with safe and engaging experiments. Follow along as Jeanetta uses her knowledge of chemistry to solve everyday challenges.

BFL Author Photo


Brianna Florence earned a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and enjoys sharing her love for science. She created the Chemistry Saves The Day book series to encourage children to think about chemistry in a fun way. Brianna hopes that her young readers discover the importance of science in everything we do.

Follow @ChemistrySavesTheDay for more.

ZHMD Illustrator Picture (Ana)


Ana Villafraz was born in Venezuela and brings stories to life through colorful illustrations. Ana enjoys dancing salsa, eating chocolate, and sipping coffee.

Follow @AnaKDraws for more.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira