Hybrid Publishers

Hybrid publishing is an emerging model that combines different aspects of traditional publishing and self-publishing. According to the Independent Book Publishers Association, hybrid publishers must:

  1. Define a mission and vision for its publishing program.
  2. Vet submissions.
  3. Publish under its own imprint(s) and ISBNs.
  4. Publish to industry standards.
  5. Ensure editorial, design, and production quality. 
  6. Pursue and manage a range of publishing rights. 
  7. Provide distribution services. 
  8. Demonstrate respectable sales. 
  9. Pay authors a higher-than-standard royalty. 

At Spring Cedars, for example, we provide writers with customizable services based on their specific needs and goals, and view the publishing process as a partnership with the author.

  • We don't have a strict submission policy.
  • You don't need a finished manuscript to work with us.
  • We remove the middleman so there's no need for a literary agent.
  • You are included in all steps of the process.
  • We offer a variety of high-quality à la carte services.
  • You can create and customize your own publishing package.
  • We respect your rights and desires.
  • You aren’t put through a boilerplate procedure.
  • We take a personal approach and build lasting relationships.
  • You earn a much larger percentage on sales.

With hybrid publishing, you get the best of both worlds! Contact us today for you FREE Initial Consultations.

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