Finding feedback on your writing

Finding feedback on your writing is essential for the revision and editing process. Having another person read your work can reveal plot holes, confusing scenes, and any problems with the writing style.

Here are some resources you can use to find feedback on your writing.


  • Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Located in Colorado, this organization offers creative writing classes, four- and eight-week courses on writing and editing a short story, and longer classes on developing and refining a novel. All of these group workshops provide the chance to read and critique your classmates’ stories. You can find more information about the organization and what they offer
  • Facebook writing groups. Online writing groups in general (not just limited to Facebook or other social media) are a fantastic way to meet other writers. Finding someone to exchange advice, swap stories, and discover new opportunities with is a great way to earn supportive feedback on your writing. There are Facebook writing groups for every genre. Check out The Write Life’s list of Facebook groups for writers to find one that works for your project.
  • Shut Up and Write! This organization, owned by Writing Partners, offers free virtual and in-person meetings across the world. Their goal is to “ensure that every writer - regardless of genre or skill level - has access to the resources, community, and accountability that they need to be successful in their personal writing goals.” Find out more HERE.
  • This internationally known organization takes place annually every November. It offers a challenge to every writer: write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days. Equipped with online mentors, writing groups/buddies, forums, tips, and goal trackers, this site not only pushes you to write, but also provides resources for revising your draft for publication. Check out their site HERE.
  • Starting your own writing group. Sometimes it’s difficult or maybe not feasible for you to join a writing group consistently. In that case, you can always find two or three trusted writer friends to read over your work and provide feedback.

Spring Cedars feedback services

Spring Cedars offers a variety of services to help you improve your manuscript. From reviews to editing, we offer feedback on everything from your manuscript’s marketability, to the larger picture, to the smallest details. Get feedback on what’s working and what’s not from a reader’s perspective on your writing.

Manuscripts go through several stages of editing before they’re produced and distributed for the shelves. You can see a full list of our services to help you with your writing HERE. Contact us HERE for more information or to get started revising your manuscript.

Writing conferences

Writers’ conferences are a great way to receive feedback on writing. Most conferences include package deals where you have the chance to meet with a literary agent or editor to get feedback on your writing, and learn about the business side of publication. For a list of 60 writing conferences for authors, bloggers, and freelancers, check out The Write Life’s article that lists the dates, locations, and descriptions of different writing conferences.

Writing the draft is considered the easy part by many established authors. It’s the revision and editing stages that are the hardest. Some writers rewrite their entire book four, five, or even fifteen times before it’s considered ready for publication.

Feedback is the most important tool for improving your writing since you can look at your work with a new perspective. It’s also important to find the right group to offer feedback. The Writing Cooperative offers a great article detailing how to avoid “critiquers from hell” who don’t offer constructive criticism needed for improvement and success.

Have more questions or want to get in touch? Feel free to reach out HERE.

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