This story tells the TAIL of Techno, a timid cat who lives in a shelter. With the help of Ellie, a volunteer, Techno discovers that being PAWSITIVE and believing in yourself are the first steps in finding where you truly belong.

BDOK Author Photo

About the Author

Beth Dokolasa holds a master’s degree in communication management and has built a career in the natural food industry, specializing in training development. A devoted cat lover, she volunteers with the Cat Care Society in Denver, Colorado, where she has served in various roles, including on the Board of Directors. Beth lives in the Denver Foothills with her husband Paul, their daughter Ellie, and their two cats Techno and Digit.

RGLU LRH Illustrator Photo - Amy Glatiotis

About the Illustrator

Amy Glatiotis is an artist, mom, and bookworm. She has been drawing, crafting, and sewing for years and more recently found a love for digital illustrating. Amy lives in the stunning Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada, with her wonderful husband Galen, beautiful daughter Mylah, and dachshund George. Visit @otis_andm.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira