
Editing your writing is an essential part of the publishing process. Although the task may seem overwhelming, it can be divided into four main phases. 

1) Developmental Editing

  • looking at the greater picture
  • putting ideas together, creating a detailed outline, and forming them into a book
  • focusing on organization, pacing, characters, point of view, plot, and theme

2) Content Editing

  • looking at sections, chapters, and paragraphs
  • evaluating the construction of ideas, the narrative, tone, and voice
  • focusing on structure, presentation, flow, and completeness 

3) Copyediting

  • looking at sentences and words
  • ensuring the style guide is followed, typically The Chicago Manual of Style
  • focusing on syntax, word choice, grammar, spelling, punctuation  

4) Proofreading

  • looking at the final book proof
  • reviewing typos, page numbering, heading consistency, line and page breaks
  • focusing on typography, layout, and formatting


Working through these editing phases with a professional is incredibly important and will ensure readers can truly enjoy your book.

Ready to share your manuscript and start the editing process? Submit your work HERE.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira