Cycle Psyched on Strava

Cycle Psyched is a sport psychology coaching center with ideas and mental training advice to enhance your cycling experience. Sport Psychologist Dr. Saul Miller and co-author--former racer and cycling coach--Peggy Maass Labiuk, are pleased to present a forum for Strava members interested in tuning into the sport psych dimension. It’s out on the roads, trails, and velodromes where we apply the mental game.

Indeed, Olympic gold medalist Alexi Grewal said, "The real race is not on the hot, paved roads, the tortuous off-road curves, or the smooth surfaced velodrome. It’s in the electro-chemical pathways of your mind.”

Join the club in sharing rides, thoughts, and how the Cycle Psyched approach has worked for you.

Cycle Psyched Strava 2
Theme: Overlay by Kaira